5 Things I'm Changing Because of Covid-19
5 Things I'm Changing Because of Covid-19
Who knew that wearing masks, washing groceries and social distancing would be a thing in 2020 or ever?
I knew a little about pandemics from my previous career in corporate security, but I still did not think it would happen here and certainly not so quickly.
So here I am struggling with the stay at home plan along with most of you. Some days I’m coping well and others not feeling too chipper. So today I thought I’d share a few things I’ve changed or I’m in the process of changing in hopes it may inspire you to make your own list - if not for anything else, just to remind ourselves that we can survive and even thrive in these really challenging times.
1) Giving myself a break no matter what. I (we) get to feel emotions whether it’s happy, sad, frustrated, angry or anything else. Some days are just better than others because this is hard stuff and most of us have never been through anything like this before.
I previously thought the gas crisis in the early 70’s was pretty crazy. For those who weren’t there we had to wait in line for several hours to buy 15 gallons of gas. We could only get gas on either odd or even days according to our license plate numbers. A trying time indeed, but nothing like the current pandemic for sure.
2) Deeper gratitude for everyone who is working. I know I will never look at doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks and anyone who is still going to work to keep the rest of us cared for and fed the same way again.
I’m a generally grateful for everything type of person, but my gratitude for these folks is just felt more profoundly than before. AND as my friend and fellow author, Faith Young likes to say, silent gratitude doesn’t do them any good so tell people they are loved and appreciated - yes complete strangers.
3) To be more mindful of the products I use. This situation is a real wake-up call for evaluating my use of disposable products. Nothing like a shortage to snap us into a new reality. Yesterday my husband aka, Chief Foraging Officer for us came home with paper towels and toilet paper! It was like Christmas I was so happy.
For example, I learned from these various shortages that I use too many paper towels. Yes, I found out I could cut back, way back. I discovered the many uses for microfiber cloths. They are fantastic little cleaners for all sorts of things, especially windows. I’m a convert for sure.
4) I’ve learned to appreciate my own imperfections and extend that to others. Yes, my hair is graying and my nails are a mess, but I can carry on anyway. I’m looking forward to my hair and nail appointments sometime in the near future I hope, but it can all wait until the time is right.
Pre-pandemic I took these things for granted along with my general good health and well being. Now I feel more deeply grateful and this pushes me to take even better care of my health with diet and exercise. Yes, I too have had my indulgences during this time and I’m okay with that. (Chocolate ice cream and wine during the week anyone?) We need to feed our souls with little treats during these times AND I know I’m doing better when I can.
5) Accepting people right where they are and letting go of the need to change them. This is hard, really hard stuff but I know for myself, I’ve been quick to judge sometimes. I’m practicing letting go of what I think others should do. We are all on our own path - some people are behind us and others ahead of us. Let’s all think about extending kindness to others no matter how they are behaving. As someone said, we are all fighting a battle that no one else knows anything about.
You may be thinking this article doesn’t have much to do with dating. You may be right about that, but I just wanted to share these thoughts with you today. Perhaps something resonated with you and maybe even inspires you to take new steps in your life in whatever way you feel you need to do.
If you are feeling sad, lost or unhappy about your dating/love life then I’m giving you this link below. You can read any of my blog posts and watch the accompanying videos for some answers you may be seeking.
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Your biggest fan,
Gayla Wick
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Gayla, aka the Denver Love Coach is a Love and Dating Coach for women, author speaker and creator of the It's All About You Love Coaching Program. She loves showing single women how to attract the love relationship of their dreams!