Does Your Identity Affect Your Love Relationship? (Video)
Does Your IDENTITY Affect Your Love Relationship? (Video)
EARLY Blog Post just for you! Plus the REPLAY of our first Women! Emotions, Identity and Love Webinar.
On Friday I’m once again joining International Identity Coach, Marianne Rothmann and Emotional Health Coach Vivian Cobb for another discussion on Women - Emotions, Identity and Love. This week in our second webinar we’re focusing on IDENTITY.
Think about what questions you might have for us.
Were you previously in a marriage and now possibly struggling with your new status as a single woman?
Are you a widow struggling with your identity shift from being part of a couple to single?
Maybe you’ve been single for some time now and feel ready for love and yet find it challenging to overcome many limiting beliefs that keep you from attracting a healthy relationship.
Whatever you’ve accepted as your identity may be not be supporting you in your goals and plans for your best future.
Have you accepted being single as your identity among family and friends?
Although our discussion on this upcoming webinar will not be exclusively about romantic relationships, that’s the part I’ll be bringing to the table. Are you divorced and feel stuck with that identity? Have you been cheated on? Lied to by your “trusted” partner?
If you’d like to learn more about how our personal identity in the world shapes our decisions, our results, our present day reality then be sure to sign-up for our webinar this coming Friday. You can post questions in our Facebook Group or send them directly to any of us hosting the group. We’ll have the Chat box up during the entire webinar and we’ll take questions from there as well.
If you missed us last Friday be sure to watch the REPLAY here:
Send your comments/questions to: or post them in our new Facebook group Women! Emotions, Identity and Love..
Join us this Friday for Webinar 2 in our series.
The world needs all of us to step into our true identities or as Oprah says, let’s live our best lives both for ourselves and for others..
The time is NOW because the simple truth is that’s all we have. The past is gone and the future is yet a dream.
We’d love to hear from you and have you tune in to our webinar: SAVE the DATE for our NEXT webinar:
FRIDAY, JULY 24th at 10 AM MST
Much love and virtual hugs,
Gayla Wick, Denver Love Coach
Gayla, aka the Denver Love Coach is a Love and Dating Coach for women, author speaker and creator of the It's All About You Love Coaching Program. She loves showing single women how to attract the love relationship of their dreams!