What to do When Things Go Wrong (VIDEO)
What to do when Things Go Wrong (VIDEO)
This week I want to share a short story and video about things not going the way I planned and what I did about it. Watch this video for my take on little snafu’s and how to get back on track. Then let me know how you handle minor glitches that happen to you.
What to do When Things Go Wrong
Just breathe - take a few deep breaths. This is a good starting point to increase the chances of responding rather than reacting. Relationship Tip: No one wants to be around a person who creates high drama over minor issues.
Take a break. Sometimes things go wrong - it’s just life. Taking a break can free up our minds a bit to allow a simple solution to come to us. Relationship Tip: If you’re getting cranky with your honey, a little recess from the irritation can work wonders - a cup of tea perhaps?
Do some tapping (EFT). Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique is a proven mind/body technique that is really effective at sending calming signals to our body. Check out the masters like Nick Ortner and Margaret Lynch.
Engage your sense of smell. Breathing in a pleasant scent like lavender oil, fresh flowers, fresh air or any of your favorites can help relax the mind and body enough to reset our emotions. Relationship Tip: Being able is handle our own emotions is an attractive trait.
Know this is just temporary. Even though I was lost in how my video backgrounds were switching up and turning out reversed, I had to get to a place where I could think logically about a solution. YouTube to the rescue! Relationship Tip: Resilience is sexy!
Strive for perfection if you must, but accept the inevitability of imperfection. As we all know and experience, life is not perfect for very long. Things just happen and we have to deal with them. Relationship Tip: High drama queens are not very attractive. Both men and women like people who know how to handle little upsets without going berserk.
Hope you enjoyed this video and my tips for remaining calm. Would love to hear your comments on how you handle things going wrong.
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