What You Must START Doing Before Valentines Day (VIDEO)
What You Must START Doing Before Valentines Day (VIDEO)
Last week I told you there is one thing you must stop doing before Valentines Day. Now I want to share with you the one thing you REALLY need to start doing right now. No time to waste!
If you did not watch the video last week or any of the videos I’ve been doing for you this year be sure to go back and catch up. This mini series is so important if you want to find love sooner rather than later. My advice is practical, powerful and effective.
There is no time like the present to begin to change your love life status. I’m not asking you to believe anything! That’s right you do not need to believe anything that does not feel right to you in this moment, but you will want to listen and try my advice. Why?
Because I have the love relationship and partner of my dreams. I did not believe this was possible until I learned a few things and decided to choose myself and my heart’s desires first. No belief is necessary to get started. I was a BIG love skeptic myself.
Is it time for you to START choosing yourself?
Watch this short video to find out what you really must start doing to find love this year NOTE: This article/video was originally posted last year. Please ignore my references to 2021 - what I say in this video is still relevant today, maybe even more so.
I’m here to help you make the changes you know you want to make in your love life. Are you ready?
Begin to give yourself a break for what you do or do not believe.
Begin by relaxing and accepting that you do not need to have all of the answers by yourself.
Begin by deciding to throw the unproductive things you’ve heard about finding love right out the window.
I’m here to help you get started. Let’s work together to change the trajectory of your love life right now !
You can begin right now to have a different result this year!
Do you know someone who’s struggling to find their love connection? Maybe they are attracting the wrong types of men for them or maybe they’re not dating at all.
I meet really terrific single women all the time who just don’t know what’s going wrong? I can help them. Share this post and video or buy them a copy of my book. I’d love to give everyone who buys my book this season from AMAZON a free 60 minute Love Coaching session.
P.S. You can even gift the 60 minute session to someone else as long as you (the purchaser) writes the review.
Here’s the link to my Amazon page: The Art of Attracting Authentic Love.
Once you receive your copy, read a few chapters and then post your review. Here are the steps:
Here are the steps to claim your free love coaching session:
Order The Art of Attracting Authentic Love from Amazon.
When you're ready click on that same Amazon Page.
Click on Reviews
To the left of the reviews is a button - Write a Review
Just write a few sentences about why you liked the book or any other comments you'd like to make
Send an email to Gayla@GaylaWick.com to let me know you're ready to schedule your session.
It's that simple. You'll be on your way to finding your new love and learning more about just how to keep that relationship going strong.
Sending you much love,
Gayla, Denver Love Coach
Gayla, aka the Denver Love Coach is a Love and Dating Coach for women, author speaker and creator of the It's All About You Love Coaching Program. She loves showing single women how to attract the love relationship of their dreams!