3 Things Guys SECRETLY Find Unattractive (VIDEO)


3 Things Guys SECRETLY Find Unattractive (VIDEO)                  

Today I want to talk about three things most guys find unattractive, yet women still run headlong into these rabbit holes expecting a very different outcome. Yes, you’ve received this post in 2019, but I thought it was worth a repeat - just ignore my 2 special announcements at the end. Sadly as we know 2020 did not turn out as expected. Hope you enjoy this post and video anyway!

Watch the video below and you can stop watching toward the end when I say I’m going to tell you about my two special announcements. Thanks Covid-19!! :(

Yes, most of us have done these things even though they didn’t work out for us. So you’re not alone here, but I can show you a much better way to achieve your dream love relationship.

Things Guys Find UNATTRACTIVE:

  1. Women who try to use their logic to convince them that they are his special someone. Guys operate primarily in their heads all the time so they are naturally attracted to your feminine way of being rather than to any attempts to lay out the logic of why you should be a couple.

  2. Women who pursue men right from their first meeting/date. This is not attractive to most men. Guys are hard wired to go after what they want. It makes them feel more masculine. Most women tell me they want a masculine man so doesn’t it make sense to allow his masculinity to shine in his pursuit of you?

  3. Guys are not attracted to drama queens. So don’t go crazy or over react to life’s little curve balls like the end of the world is here. A healthy mature man wants to know you can handle yourself in times of challenge. Yes, he really enjoys knowing how you feel, he’s just not into constant or unnecessary drama..

Wishing for you love attraction magic!

Your biggest fan,

Gayla Wick

Denver Love Coach

If you’re tired of trying to figure out how to attract that perfect mate for you then take a minute to Contact me and we’ll schedule a complimentary “Get Unstuck” session where I’ll help you get clarity on what’s really blocking you from the love you want.

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