What are you waiting for.png


Years ago a friend asked me this question over tea and bagels. When she suggested I stop talking about it and do something about my issue instead, it was hard to hear. What I wanted was commiseration, but what I really needed was a kickstart to make a needed change.

When I took the time to think about it, I knew she was right and it was totally within my control to shift. Now I have only gratitude that she asked me that tough question when she did. That question was the impetus I really needed at the time to stop grousing, moaning and complaining about a situation that was fully within my control to change.

You might be thinking that your particular situation is too challenging, complicated or just plain not changeable, but I encourage you to stop and consider that you just might have more control than you think.

What will happen if you don’t change anything? Are you willing to just keep enduring that thing that does not work in your life or might even be making you miserable? Can you take a few minutes to challenge yourself and ask this tough question: What am I REALLY waiting for to make a change? I’m here as a Certified Life Coach specializing in Love Coaching to help you.

You’re invited to begin by watching this short video - red itchy eyes and all. Something in the air here has really gotten to me this year. Let’s get that thing you want to change, but are secretly afraid to even look at handled this time so you can embrace your best life. I hope you take this video to heart and share it with anyone you think might need a little nudge. From my heart to yours with love!

Let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your comments or questions.

Of course you can get comfy on the couch and in your life to accept what seems inevitable right now. Or you can ask the tough questions and decide you are worth it! We all have pain, but as Buddha once said, it’s the suffering that is optional.

What will you do to realize your dreams are just waiting for you to reach out to them? If you need a little guidance, please get it. We all need a little help sometimes. The brave will seek it out. Will you be brave to get to the love relationship of your dreams?

What are you REALLY waiting for?



You don’t have to stay suck in your current situation. Let me know if you would like to find out more about what is really stopping you from getting to the love you desire. Fill out this contact form for a complimentary consultation with me.

If you want a love relationship I truly believe you can have the perfect match for you. Until next time, remember to be the loving person you want to attract into your life.

 May All Your Love Relationship Dreams Come True,

 Gayla Wick, Denver Love Coach and Matchmaker